lundi 16 janvier 2012

You should give yourself a break !

Messing up is a big part of life, and is a part of life that can either makes us or break us. If we sit around with regret, and focus all of our energy into trying to relive our pasts, we take away from living right now, we take energy that we could be using to create and seize opportunities that may further our futures, and let it go to waste on a part of our life that can not be relived, and not... be changed.
Sometimes in our lives there will be questions that will just remain unanswered, but we must gather enough strength and enough courage to move forward. We have to accept the fact that messing up is a part of life, and we have to be willing to dust ourselves off, and move forward. The harder that you are on yourself about your past, the harder that it will be to produce results for the future.
Mel !

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