samedi 15 décembre 2012
No Secrets
I've seen both sides of love...the give and take..the high and low..Love should be spoken out loud and keep no secrets
jeudi 16 août 2012
Tmel collection
La nouvelle tendance fashion de TMelCollection vous amène de jolis sacs à main. Ces sacs à main ajoutent une touche d'élégance et de fantaisie à toutes vos parures. Laissez-vous tenter ou bien gâtez les femmes qui vous sont chères en leur offrant un de mes sacs a main, chacun arborant un design unique.
jeudi 12 juillet 2012
jeudi 24 mai 2012
jeudi 17 mai 2012
La nouvelle tendance fashion de TMelCollection
La nouvelle tendance fashion de TMelCollection vous amène de jolis sacs à main.
Ces sacs à main ajoutent une touche d'élégance et de fantaisie à toutes vos parures. Laissez-vous tenter ou bien gâtez les femmes qui vous sont chères en leur offrant un de mes sacs a main, chacun arborant un design unique! Les sacs à main de TMelCollection, des joyaux pour la femme élégante d'aujourd'hui et une contribution pour l’avancée de l'industrie de la mode locale!
Pour toutes vos commandes et livraison dans la zone metropolitaine , contactez-nous au 3836-8353
Ces sacs à main ajoutent une touche d'élégance et de fantaisie à toutes vos parures. Laissez-vous tenter ou bien gâtez les femmes qui vous sont chères en leur offrant un de mes sacs a main, chacun arborant un design unique! Les sacs à main de TMelCollection, des joyaux pour la femme élégante d'aujourd'hui et une contribution pour l’avancée de l'industrie de la mode locale!
Pour toutes vos commandes et livraison dans la zone metropolitaine , contactez-nous au 3836-8353
mardi 15 mai 2012
Merci à tous ceux la qui sans s’en rendre compte me font de la publicité gratuite sur les réseaux sociaux. Vous n’avez pas idée à quel point !!! Plus vous en parlez plus ma notoriété augmente et plus mes créations se vendent. Nous ne voulons nullement engager une polémique avec un compétiteur qui est déjà implémentée sur le marché MAIS nous ne comprenons vraiment pas cette Attitude Barbare qui témoigne plutôt d’un Manque d’Assurance ou d’une Peur d’être Détrônée. Nous avons une clientèle qui vante déjà la qualité de mes créations . Notre collection est déjà un peu partout et nous en sommes fiers. C’était ma première et dernière réaction. – Fin de l’histoire.
vendredi 11 mai 2012
DEBRIEFING - that means telling someone what happened, and that person listening without judgment. We all listen to your stories, and we know what you’re talking about, because we’ve all been deceived in some way in our lives.
GRIEVING - it is legitimate to grieve the loss of possessions, or our lifestyle, or our place in the community. Sometimes well-meaning friends or relatives say, “Oh, it’s only money.” This isn’t true. Possessions are the outward manifestations of our inner identity. We didn’t just lose things. We lost part of ourselves.
OBSESSION – we become obsessed with hatred towards the sociopath who violated us and our feelings are certainly justified. The problem with obsession, however, is that it wears you out, and interferes with your ability to regain control in your life. Cope with obsession by compartmentalizing it—only allowing yourself to dwell in it for specific periods of time, schedule your way out of it.
BLAMING - this means putting blame where it belongs: on the perpetrator. We often feel guilty for allowing the situation to occur in our lives. But we have nothing to be guilty about. We were normal, caring, loving individuals who were deceived. The guilt, anger and rage needs to be directed towards the sociopath who deceived us.
DESHAMING - before our encounter with the predator, we had certain beliefs, such as “there’s good in everyone,” or “if someone asks me to marry him, he must really love me.” Unfortunately, the dreadful experience has taught us that some beliefs are false and need to be changed. When we do this, we also change our attitude, from “I was a fool” to “I’ve been wronged.”
REFRAMING - the steps aforementioned must be accomplished, before a person can move on to reframing. At this stage, you can look at your experience, define it differently, and then articulate the wisdom you’ve gained.
EMPOWERMENT - at this point, you feel focused energy. You take ownership of your problems, determine how you are going to cope with them, and go into action.
RECOVERY - with recovery, you are able to move forward in your life. Sometimes recovery involves forgiveness, but it is not necessary, it is up to you, if you can arrive to a point of forgiveness. What you can try to do is to turn it over to God for justice.
THE LONG JOURNEY – there is no expected timetable for moving through the recovery process. We all have different personal histories and face different circumstances. We’ve all had different levels of violation. Anyone who has been targeted for destruction by a sociopath must understand that it was a profound assault, and it will take time to recover. You may slide back and forth among the stages. So be gentle on yourself, because the journey may be long. If you keep going, in the end you will find peace, built upon new depths of wisdom and understanding.
DEBRIEFING - that means telling someone what happened, and that person listening without judgment. We all listen to your stories, and we know what you’re talking about, because we’ve all been deceived in some way in our lives.
GRIEVING - it is legitimate to grieve the loss of possessions, or our lifestyle, or our place in the community. Sometimes well-meaning friends or relatives say, “Oh, it’s only money.” This isn’t true. Possessions are the outward manifestations of our inner identity. We didn’t just lose things. We lost part of ourselves.
OBSESSION – we become obsessed with hatred towards the sociopath who violated us and our feelings are certainly justified. The problem with obsession, however, is that it wears you out, and interferes with your ability to regain control in your life. Cope with obsession by compartmentalizing it—only allowing yourself to dwell in it for specific periods of time, schedule your way out of it.
BLAMING - this means putting blame where it belongs: on the perpetrator. We often feel guilty for allowing the situation to occur in our lives. But we have nothing to be guilty about. We were normal, caring, loving individuals who were deceived. The guilt, anger and rage needs to be directed towards the sociopath who deceived us.
DESHAMING - before our encounter with the predator, we had certain beliefs, such as “there’s good in everyone,” or “if someone asks me to marry him, he must really love me.” Unfortunately, the dreadful experience has taught us that some beliefs are false and need to be changed. When we do this, we also change our attitude, from “I was a fool” to “I’ve been wronged.”
REFRAMING - the steps aforementioned must be accomplished, before a person can move on to reframing. At this stage, you can look at your experience, define it differently, and then articulate the wisdom you’ve gained.
EMPOWERMENT - at this point, you feel focused energy. You take ownership of your problems, determine how you are going to cope with them, and go into action.
RECOVERY - with recovery, you are able to move forward in your life. Sometimes recovery involves forgiveness, but it is not necessary, it is up to you, if you can arrive to a point of forgiveness. What you can try to do is to turn it over to God for justice.
THE LONG JOURNEY – there is no expected timetable for moving through the recovery process. We all have different personal histories and face different circumstances. We’ve all had different levels of violation. Anyone who has been targeted for destruction by a sociopath must understand that it was a profound assault, and it will take time to recover. You may slide back and forth among the stages. So be gentle on yourself, because the journey may be long. If you keep going, in the end you will find peace, built upon new depths of wisdom and understanding.
How to Take a Critique Positively
Critique is the most bold way of telling someone that they need to get better at any kind of topic and a great critique will even include guidance. Yet, critique is probably the hardest "lecture" you'll need to listen to, especially when you're not ready for it or surprised by it.
mercredi 9 mai 2012
La nouvelle tendance fashion de TMelCollection vous amène de jolis sacs à main.
Ces sacs à main ajoutent une touche d'élégance et de fantaisie à toutes vos parures. Laissez-vous tenter ou bien gâtez les femmes qui vous sont chères en leur offrant un de mes sacs a main, chacun arborant un design unique! Les sacs à main de TMelCollection, des joyaux pour la femme élégante d'aujourd'hui et une contribution pour l’avancé de l'industrie de la mode locale!
Ces sacs à main ajoutent une touche d'élégance et de fantaisie à toutes vos parures. Laissez-vous tenter ou bien gâtez les femmes qui vous sont chères en leur offrant un de mes sacs a main, chacun arborant un design unique! Les sacs à main de TMelCollection, des joyaux pour la femme élégante d'aujourd'hui et une contribution pour l’avancé de l'industrie de la mode locale!
Pour toutes vos commandes et livraison dans la zone metropolitaine , contactez-nous au 3836-8353
mercredi 18 avril 2012
Happiness and success.
Happiness and success.
1. Marry the right person. This one decision will determine 90% of your happiness or misery. Or stay unmarried if you wish.
2. Work at something you enjoy and that’s worthy of your time and talent.
3. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.
4. Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know.
5. Be forgiving of yourself and others.
6. Be generous.
7. Have a grateful heart.
8. Persistence, persistence, persistence.
9. Discipline yourself to save money on even the most modest salary.
10. Treat everyone you meet like you want to be treated.
11. Commit yourself to constant improvement.
12. Commit yourself to quality.
13. Understand that happiness is not based on possessions, power or prestige, but on relationships with people you love and respect.
14. Be loyal.
15. Be honest.
16. Be a self-starter.
17. Be decisive even if it means you’ll sometimes be wrong.
18. Stop blaming others. Take responsibility for every area of your life.
19. Be bold and courageous. When you look back on your life, you’ll regret the things you didn’t do more than the ones you did.
20. Take good care of those you love.
21. Don’t do anything that wouldn’t make your Mom proud
1. Marry the right person. This one decision will determine 90% of your happiness or misery. Or stay unmarried if you wish.
2. Work at something you enjoy and that’s worthy of your time and talent.
3. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.
4. Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know.
5. Be forgiving of yourself and others.
6. Be generous.
7. Have a grateful heart.
8. Persistence, persistence, persistence.
9. Discipline yourself to save money on even the most modest salary.
10. Treat everyone you meet like you want to be treated.
11. Commit yourself to constant improvement.
12. Commit yourself to quality.
13. Understand that happiness is not based on possessions, power or prestige, but on relationships with people you love and respect.
14. Be loyal.
15. Be honest.
16. Be a self-starter.
17. Be decisive even if it means you’ll sometimes be wrong.
18. Stop blaming others. Take responsibility for every area of your life.
19. Be bold and courageous. When you look back on your life, you’ll regret the things you didn’t do more than the ones you did.
20. Take good care of those you love.
21. Don’t do anything that wouldn’t make your Mom proud
jeudi 8 mars 2012
FEMME !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dieu a créé la femme à partir d'une côte de l'homme.
Pas de sa tête, pour dominer sur lui,
Ni de ses pieds, pour être écrasée,
Mais de son côté, pour être son égale,
Sous ses épaules, pour être protégée,
Et près de son cœur, pour être aimée
Pas de sa tête, pour dominer sur lui,
Ni de ses pieds, pour être écrasée,
Mais de son côté, pour être son égale,
Sous ses épaules, pour être protégée,
Et près de son cœur, pour être aimée
mercredi 7 mars 2012
Invitation à Haïti-Educ’2012 du GRAHN-Monde
Port-au-Prince ,Le 5 mars 2012
Aux Amis du GRAHN
Objet : Invitation à Haïti-Educ’2012 du GRAHN-Monde
Chers Amis,
Chères Amies,
Le GRAHN-Haïti vous invite à la Conférence internationale Haïti-Educ’2012 (, qui se tiendra au KARIBE du 7 au 10 mars 2012. L’ouverture de cette conférence aura lieu le mercredi 7 mars de 17h à 19h et la clôture le samedi 10 mars de 10h30 à 12h30. Nous serions très heureux si vous pouviez assister aux cérémonies d’ouverture et de fermeture de ce grand évènement.
Le GRAHN a vu le jour le 20 janvier 2010 à Montréal à la suite du séisme du 12 janvier 2010. Organisé en chapitres répartis sur 7 pays dont Haïti, GRAHN-Monde se veut un mouvement citoyen, large, inclusif, ouvert et multidisciplinaire, orienté vers la construction d'une Haïti moins inégalitaire, fondée sur le droit, le partage, la solidarité, l'éducation, le respect de l'environnement et le culte du bien commun.
GRAHN-Monde et GRAHN-Haïti s’unissent avec d’autres partenaires intéressés par la cause de l’éducation en Haïti pour tenir, à tous les deux ans, un forum citoyen intitulé Haïti-Éduc. La première édition de ce forum, Haïti-Éduc’2012, aura comme thème : « Pour une éducation de qualité et accessible à tous - Plein feux sur les ``Comment`` »; elle comprendra deux volets :
- 3 jours consacrés à des séminaires de formation dans six régions différentes du pays ;
- 3 jours consacrés à des ateliers de travail, de réflexion et d'élaboration de projets à réaliser en partenariat avec des acteurs du milieu (Conférence).
En espérant vous compter parmi nos invités à l’ouverture et à la fermeture, veuillez recevoir, Chers Amis, Chères Amies, l’expression de nos remerciements anticipés et de nos salutations distinguées.
Annie Mélissa Etienne
Responsable Communication GRAHN -Haiti
mardi 6 mars 2012
When someone really loves you
When someone really loves you, they will accept you for who you are with your flaws and all, and will still want you in their life. This is not to say that they won't push you to be a better person, and to think bigger, and dream bigger than you already do, but they will never disrespect you or want to change the person that you are at heart as well.
mardi 28 février 2012
Let love find you".
Many people are so hungry f...or love that they choose to bite the first type of love that they may see, even if it is toxic. Don't be a fool for love; choose your love as best as possible.
It is very true that sometimes love takes us over, and catches many by surprise. But for many love is something that they search for many times over and never really find because they never let it find them instead. Let your love find you, and you will be so much more grateful for it.
mercredi 15 février 2012
Annie Melissa Etienne: Inspiration positive
Annie Melissa Etienne: Inspiration positive: "De tout ce que j'ai vécu, s'il y a une chose que j'ai apprise c'est celle-ci: personne n'a d'autorité pour juger votre potentiel. Vous êtes...
Inspiration positive
"De tout ce que j'ai vécu, s'il y a une chose que j'ai apprise c'est
personne n'a d'autorité pour juger votre potentiel. Vous êtes la
seule personne qui décide jusqu'où vous voulez aller et de quoi
vous êtes capable."
Melissa Etienne
personne n'a d'autorité pour juger votre potentiel. Vous êtes la
seule personne qui décide jusqu'où vous voulez aller et de quoi
vous êtes capable."
Melissa Etienne
mardi 14 février 2012
Annie Melissa Etienne: CHANGER
Annie Melissa Etienne: CHANGER: Changer, Après avoir reçu l'amour comme un cadeau Après avoir touché ce qu'il y a de plus beau Pour lui j'ai changé Changer, Après avoir tou...
Après avoir reçu l'amour comme un cadeau
Après avoir touché ce qu'il y a de plus beau
Pour lui j'ai changé
Après avoir touché le satin de sa peau
Après avoir scié le dernier des barreaux
Pour elle j'ai changé
Changer pour que l'amour arrive
Changer pour que la passion nous délivre
Pour qu'un jour notre histoire soit écrite dans les livres, Changer...
Changer pour que l'amour s'étende
Des forêts de Shanghai à l'Irlande
Pour qu'il y ait que l'amour quand il faudra se rendre, Changer ...
Pour pouvoir dire un jour dire que je l'ai trouvé
Le parfum de l'amour et je l'ai gardé
Pour lui j'ai changé
Quand on est devenu le dernier des hommes
Pour s'être cru le roi quand on n'est personne
Pour elle j'ai changé
Changer pour que l'amour explose
En millions de pétales de rose
Pour qu'il n'y ait pu jamais dans nos cœurs autre chose, Changer
MEL !!!
Après avoir reçu l'amour comme un cadeau
Après avoir touché ce qu'il y a de plus beau
Pour lui j'ai changé
Après avoir touché le satin de sa peau
Après avoir scié le dernier des barreaux
Pour elle j'ai changé
Changer pour que l'amour arrive
Changer pour que la passion nous délivre
Pour qu'un jour notre histoire soit écrite dans les livres, Changer...
Changer pour que l'amour s'étende
Des forêts de Shanghai à l'Irlande
Pour qu'il y ait que l'amour quand il faudra se rendre, Changer ...
Pour pouvoir dire un jour dire que je l'ai trouvé
Le parfum de l'amour et je l'ai gardé
Pour lui j'ai changé
Quand on est devenu le dernier des hommes
Pour s'être cru le roi quand on n'est personne
Pour elle j'ai changé
Changer pour que l'amour explose
En millions de pétales de rose
Pour qu'il n'y ait pu jamais dans nos cœurs autre chose, Changer
MEL !!!
lundi 13 février 2012
jeudi 26 janvier 2012
Be the best version of you ....
Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary - Steve Jobs
mercredi 25 janvier 2012
lundi 23 janvier 2012
"A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow".
A person that knows you for who you are exactly, a person that accepts what you have become and never judges you, and allows for you to grow and helps you along the way is a friend that you should keep around for a lifetime. These days it is very hard to find somebody brave enough to let you shine your light to the world, and even more difficult to find someone that will be in your life who's sole purpose is to help you shine your light to the world.
A person that knows you for who you are exactly, a person that accepts what you have become and never judges you, and allows for you to grow and helps you along the way is a friend that you should keep around for a lifetime. These days it is very hard to find somebody brave enough to let you shine your light to the world, and even more difficult to find someone that will be in your life who's sole purpose is to help you shine your light to the world.
Stop it !!!
For some, especially for those whose interest relies heavily on pleasing everyone around them, wasting time on people who don't love them in an effort to try to convince those people to love them is a major part of their lives. If you are one of these people, it is time for you to make a change today. Life is way too short to waste time trying to convince someone that you are worthy to be loved.
Everybody wants happiness
"Everybody wants happiness, nobody wants pain, but you can't have a rainbow, without a little rain."
Living after the painful parts of our lives is what helps us build character, and become the best person that we can possibly become. One thing that we must remember when dealing with hurt, anger and pain in our lives is that when dealing with it, holding on to it, and looking back wishing that y...ou did things differently when you had the chance is a good way to feel this pain longer than you need to.
We experience the pain in our lives in the moments that we do in order to best learn from them, not to hold on to them and wish that we would have handled our lives differently. What is most important in our lives is not how our life begins but rather how the last chapters in our lives end. Though it is important to cherish yesterday, it is also important to dream for tomorrow, and to live each day as thoroughly as possible
Living after the painful parts of our lives is what helps us build character, and become the best person that we can possibly become. One thing that we must remember when dealing with hurt, anger and pain in our lives is that when dealing with it, holding on to it, and looking back wishing that y...ou did things differently when you had the chance is a good way to feel this pain longer than you need to.
We experience the pain in our lives in the moments that we do in order to best learn from them, not to hold on to them and wish that we would have handled our lives differently. What is most important in our lives is not how our life begins but rather how the last chapters in our lives end. Though it is important to cherish yesterday, it is also important to dream for tomorrow, and to live each day as thoroughly as possible
mardi 17 janvier 2012
Just for u Azou
De la volonté à la passion.
De la patience à la déraison.
De l'insolence à l'abandon.
Sans aucune prétention.
Je voudrais être l'idée de tes envies.
La passion de tes folies.
En fait ! Être pour toi la plus jolie.
Que mes yeux soient pour toi les plus beaux.
Ma bouche la plus tendre.
Mes mains les plus douces !!!
Que mon corps mi démon, mi ange.
Fasse que tes nuits soient les plus blanches.
Faire de ta vie un paradis !!!
De la patience à la déraison.
De l'insolence à l'abandon.
Sans aucune prétention.
Je voudrais être l'idée de tes envies.
La passion de tes folies.
En fait ! Être pour toi la plus jolie.
Que mes yeux soient pour toi les plus beaux.
Ma bouche la plus tendre.
Mes mains les plus douces !!!
Que mon corps mi démon, mi ange.
Fasse que tes nuits soient les plus blanches.
Faire de ta vie un paradis !!!
Love u Azou
lundi 16 janvier 2012
Life requires us at times to be ...
Having the courage to talk to someone who you may be scared to talk to may open up doors that you never imagined would be open for you, sometimes we must be willing to take risks like talking to someone that we never knew would talk to us, and in turn we may find out that they have been the ones that have been waiting to talk to you. Life requires us at times to be ...more aggressive than we would normally like to be.
Instead of running from life, and the uncomfortable situations that we may expose ourselves to, it is important that we make our self comfortable in being in uncomfortable situations, and that we utilize the ability to take risks in our lives, because it is these types of situations that allow us to grow exponentially. We must be willing to talk to the people who we don't think will talk to us, and choose to go after experiences that we are uncertain about as well.
Instead of running from life, and the uncomfortable situations that we may expose ourselves to, it is important that we make our self comfortable in being in uncomfortable situations, and that we utilize the ability to take risks in our lives, because it is these types of situations that allow us to grow exponentially. We must be willing to talk to the people who we don't think will talk to us, and choose to go after experiences that we are uncertain about as well.
don't waste your time on those that don't.
Wasting one's time is one of the biggest wrongs that can be committed against one's self. Time is our most valuable resource because it is something that once past, can never be acquired again. In order to make the best use of our time it is crucial that we use it doing the things within our heart that we love, with the people we love and who love us in return.
When somebody isn't willing to dev...ote their self to you, like you are willing to devote yourself to them, having a relationship with this person will more than likely lead to devastation for the person who cares most. This isn't always something that is possible to avoid but can more easily be determined even though sometimes it may be after we acquire feelings for a person. In order to be the best you, you must be willing to let go of people who have no interest in helping transform you into the best you, don't waste your time on those that don't.
When somebody isn't willing to dev...ote their self to you, like you are willing to devote yourself to them, having a relationship with this person will more than likely lead to devastation for the person who cares most. This isn't always something that is possible to avoid but can more easily be determined even though sometimes it may be after we acquire feelings for a person. In order to be the best you, you must be willing to let go of people who have no interest in helping transform you into the best you, don't waste your time on those that don't.
Mel !!!!
Stop going back to the one who brings you more pain than happiness
The saying goes, if a snake bites you once, it may be the snakes' fault, but usually when the snake bites you a second time, it is your fault. When we are in the vicinity of something that is potentially harmful, like a relationship with a dishonest person, or a person who has no qualms with hurting us to get what they want, and they eventually do, it may not be our fault the first time that they so, even if the warning signs were there.
It is only after these people hurt us and only when we choose to allow them into our lives to hurt us again, is it our fault that we get hurt again. As this passage says, people can be cruel, and they will be. This is not to say, that everyone will hurt you over and over again, and that no one deserves a second chance, but those who are chosen by you to receive a second chance, should be chosen wisely, and only with your heart's discretion.
"Stop going back to the one who brings you more pain than happiness. It's not worth it to continue to invest your feelings into somebody unworthy of your love. Everybody deserves second chances, but not for the same mistakes."
It is only after these people hurt us and only when we choose to allow them into our lives to hurt us again, is it our fault that we get hurt again. As this passage says, people can be cruel, and they will be. This is not to say, that everyone will hurt you over and over again, and that no one deserves a second chance, but those who are chosen by you to receive a second chance, should be chosen wisely, and only with your heart's discretion.
"Stop going back to the one who brings you more pain than happiness. It's not worth it to continue to invest your feelings into somebody unworthy of your love. Everybody deserves second chances, but not for the same mistakes."
You should give yourself a break !
Messing up is a big part of life, and is a part of life that can either makes us or break us. If we sit around with regret, and focus all of our energy into trying to relive our pasts, we take away from living right now, we take energy that we could be using to create and seize opportunities that may further our futures, and let it go to waste on a part of our life that can not be relived, and not... be changed.
Sometimes in our lives there will be questions that will just remain unanswered, but we must gather enough strength and enough courage to move forward. We have to accept the fact that messing up is a part of life, and we have to be willing to dust ourselves off, and move forward. The harder that you are on yourself about your past, the harder that it will be to produce results for the future.
Sometimes in our lives there will be questions that will just remain unanswered, but we must gather enough strength and enough courage to move forward. We have to accept the fact that messing up is a part of life, and we have to be willing to dust ourselves off, and move forward. The harder that you are on yourself about your past, the harder that it will be to produce results for the future.
Mel !
Someone still loves you !
One thing about life that tells us it isn't always fair is how we ignore the ones who love us the most, yet we love the most the ones who just ignore us. Just because someone may not love you as you love him or her, doesn't mean that you should ignore all of those who love you. Doing so is a decision that all of us usually make either purposely or by default at one point in our lives, and is also important lesson for us to learn from for the rest of our lives.
If someone doesn't treat as special as you deserve to be treated, and doesn't love you the way that you deserved to be loved, as a person who is uniquely and wonderfully made, chances are this person doesn't deserve to have you in their lives. Make time and effort for the people who still love you and for the people that will always love you, instead of devoting yourself to those who just ignore how beautiful of a person you really are.
If someone doesn't treat as special as you deserve to be treated, and doesn't love you the way that you deserved to be loved, as a person who is uniquely and wonderfully made, chances are this person doesn't deserve to have you in their lives. Make time and effort for the people who still love you and for the people that will always love you, instead of devoting yourself to those who just ignore how beautiful of a person you really are.
Mel !
vendredi 13 janvier 2012
Vendredi 13
Imaginez que ce soit tous les jours Vendredi 13…
Que tous les jours soient un jour de chance. Cela est possible, voici pourquoi :
Une expérience scientifique sérieuse a été faite dans le West Sussex en Grande Bretagne et on a démontré que le Vendredi 13 semblait être un jour de malheur pour les automobilistes.
Les chercheurs ont comparé tous les Vendredi 13 et les tous les vendredi qui tombaient un 6 du mois, depuis 23 ans, et ils se sont aperçus que le nombre de personnes qui se rendaient aux urgences suite à un accident de voiture était jusqu’à 52% plus élevé les Vendredi 13, même avec moins de véhicules en circulation !
Selon eux, la nervosité était accrue chez les automobilistes ce jour-là et leur anxiété provoquait une perte de concentration, puis des accidents.
On se rend très vite compte que le pouvoir des croyances est énorme. Cela n’a rien de magique ou de mystique. Il suffit de comprendre les mécanismes psychologiques qui se mettent en place et qui par l’entremise du subconscient, influencent subtilement ce que vous créez dans votre réalité.
Si vous partez du principe, au contraire, que ce jour vous porte chance, vous allez mobiliser des énergies psychiques qui agiront sur votre comportement et par conséquent, sur votre environnement et votre entourage.
Vendredi 13 n’est pas différent de tous les autres jours, à moins d’y croire… Et si une masse importante de gens le charge d’émotions particulières, alors il se pourrait bien que ce jour ne soit plus tout à fait comme tous les autres…
Ma question est :
Voulez-vous faire de chaque jour un Vendredi 13 qui vous apporte la chance, le bonheur et l’abondance ?
Que tous les jours soient un jour de chance. Cela est possible, voici pourquoi :
Vendredi 13 vous apporte l’équivalent de ce que vous croyez
Si systématiquement, vous chargez ce jour de superstitions négatives, vous allez attirer à vous des évènements négatifs…
A chaque Vendredi 13, vous envoyez à votre subconscient l’information que ce jour va vous apporter la malchance, et c’est ce qui va se produire si vous en êtes vraiment convaincu.Une expérience scientifique sérieuse a été faite dans le West Sussex en Grande Bretagne et on a démontré que le Vendredi 13 semblait être un jour de malheur pour les automobilistes.
Les chercheurs ont comparé tous les Vendredi 13 et les tous les vendredi qui tombaient un 6 du mois, depuis 23 ans, et ils se sont aperçus que le nombre de personnes qui se rendaient aux urgences suite à un accident de voiture était jusqu’à 52% plus élevé les Vendredi 13, même avec moins de véhicules en circulation !
Selon eux, la nervosité était accrue chez les automobilistes ce jour-là et leur anxiété provoquait une perte de concentration, puis des accidents.
On se rend très vite compte que le pouvoir des croyances est énorme. Cela n’a rien de magique ou de mystique. Il suffit de comprendre les mécanismes psychologiques qui se mettent en place et qui par l’entremise du subconscient, influencent subtilement ce que vous créez dans votre réalité.
Si vous partez du principe, au contraire, que ce jour vous porte chance, vous allez mobiliser des énergies psychiques qui agiront sur votre comportement et par conséquent, sur votre environnement et votre entourage.
Vendredi 13 n’est pas différent de tous les autres jours, à moins d’y croire… Et si une masse importante de gens le charge d’émotions particulières, alors il se pourrait bien que ce jour ne soit plus tout à fait comme tous les autres…
Ma question est :
Voulez-vous faire de chaque jour un Vendredi 13 qui vous apporte la chance, le bonheur et l’abondance ?
JOIE !!!!!!!!!!
La joie que nous avons en tant qu'individus est quelque chose que personne ne devrait jamais interrompre ou nous juger par, et est quelque chose que nous ne devrions jamais pour acquis. Certains voient en joie une émotion, mais avoir joie est en réalité une attitude, ou un mode de vie dans lequel nous devrions essayer de garder sur une base quotidienne. Même s'il y aura des moments dans nos vies que nous sommes malheureuses, que nous ne devrions encore jamais rien laisser prendre notre joie de nous.
Loving every moment of every day is a great attitude to have to get through life. True enough, hardly anyone is truly happy at all times, but those who make a great effort to be, are usually the ones who are most content with the life that they are living. Love right now, love where you are even if you aren't exactly where you want to be in life just yet. Love the people that are around you, even ...if these people don't seem to believe in you, or even if they don't seem to support you as much as you would like.
Love right now because you have life, and you have the ability to show the world what differences that you can make to it to make it a better world for everybody in it. Love right now because you are love, because love shines through you, and because there is no one on this earth exactly like you. Love right now because you are beautiful, and you enjoy all of the beauty that life has to offer.
Love right now because you have life, and you have the ability to show the world what differences that you can make to it to make it a better world for everybody in it. Love right now because you are love, because love shines through you, and because there is no one on this earth exactly like you. Love right now because you are beautiful, and you enjoy all of the beauty that life has to offer.
Mel !
mardi 10 janvier 2012
Comment elle voit L'AMOUR !!!!
Sahadia Etienne |
Lorsque l’amour esquisse un sourire, ferveur et passion se coalisent, perturbant gaiement ces cœurs en folie qui clament des mots, sensations et émotions qui ne résonnent qu’auprès des amoureux de tous les temps. Mais lorsqu’il aura perdu son sourire, c’est au tour de spasmes douloureux, réflexions amères et silence orgueilleux de faire leur voyage à travers les échos du néant. Les amours perdus n’ont nul besoin d’être des amours blessés, tels des orphelins sans nom. Reconnaissons plutôt l’immortalité, la fragilité et l’arrogance de cette chose que nous ne contrôlons guère. Ne la vulgarisons pas. Choyons-la à son arrivée et embrassons-la à son départ.
Sahadia Etienne
Let's go somewhere ang judge people .
Someone who is extremely unemotional is said to a cold-hearted person. A cold-hearted or stone-hearted person has a heart completely devoid and immune to emotions. A cold-hearted person can never feel for anyone and is insensitive to love, pain etc. A person becomes cold-hearted according to some circumstances which mould him accordingly. Cold-hearted people are basically stoic in nature and stay ...unperturbed by circumstances. Cold-hearted people are devoid of feelings and emotions. Cold-hearted people are very difficult to deal with and they have a very limited list of friends if any. People find it difficult to bond with a person who has heart completely insensitive to emotions of any kind.
Thomas Campbell had once remarked, “The proud, the cold untroubled heart of stone, that never mused on sorrow but its own.”
Thomas Campbell had once remarked, “The proud, the cold untroubled heart of stone, that never mused on sorrow but its own.”
Don't waste time on what could have been ...
There are many times in our lives when our brains force us to relive a moment that we experienced in the past, making us think of what we could have done in order to make things work out better, instead of what we did. When these thoughts come to us, we must choose instead to think about life as we know it now, and what it will be in the future. Never let your past ...mistakes, failures, or successes, cloud your dreams for the future.
What is done is done, and though we can relive our old memories in our head, we can never relive them physically. We must be willing to learn from our past, remember what made us successful, and remember what we failed in, in order to best prepare for the successes of the future. The only person that can prevent you from prospering in the future is the person that you are now, not who you were two years ago, two months ago, or two days ago.
Mel !
lundi 9 janvier 2012
The Secret
Once or twice a week take a few minutes and focus on seeing yourself in joy. Feel yourself in joy. Imagine only joy ahead in your life and see yourself basking in it. As you do this the Universe will move all people, circumstances, and events to bring you that joy. You can't be in joy if you have money worries, or health worries, or relationship problems with friends or family. So deposit some joy in the bank of the Universe as often as you can. from The Secret Daily Teachings !
jeudi 5 janvier 2012
Pour toi Mel .
Aucun moment durant
Notre relation je n'ai
Nullement été attirer ou
Impressione par une autre
Et/ou qui aurait pu me
Marquée de tel sentiment qui
Entre autre pourrait declencher
L'envie d'une telle reciprociter
Inesistiblement tout s'amene
Sans la moindre doute et
Sous aucun effet negatif ou
Ambitieux, je suis a toi a jamais
Notre relation je n'ai
Nullement été attirer ou
Impressione par une autre
Et/ou qui aurait pu me
Marquée de tel sentiment qui
Entre autre pourrait declencher
L'envie d'une telle reciprociter
Inesistiblement tout s'amene
Sans la moindre doute et
Sous aucun effet negatif ou
Ambitieux, je suis a toi a jamais
The only things that should take us back to the past are the memories we made with the people that were in our lives in our pasts. What should bring us forward are our own dreams for our future. In order to set legitimate, and real goals for our future we must in a sense, forget about the past. We can't let mistakes or regrets from our pasts drive us forward in our lives.
Many of us have heard t...he saying; we can't drive forward looking in the rear-view mirror. Meaning it is impossible to focus on progress if we are always looking back at things we wished we have done, or things that we may wish we would have done in different ways. If we try to move forward based off of our regrets, our vision will be clouded, and our forward progress will be greatly limited. Remember to set your dreams upon what you really want for yourself in life, and not what could have been.
Many of us have heard t...he saying; we can't drive forward looking in the rear-view mirror. Meaning it is impossible to focus on progress if we are always looking back at things we wished we have done, or things that we may wish we would have done in different ways. If we try to move forward based off of our regrets, our vision will be clouded, and our forward progress will be greatly limited. Remember to set your dreams upon what you really want for yourself in life, and not what could have been.
Compassion ...
I cannot ease your aching heart,
Nor take the pain away.
But let me stay and take your hand
And walk with you today.
I’ll listen when you need to talk,
I’ll wipe your tears away.
I’ll share your worries when they come,
I’ll help you face your fears.
I’m here and I will stand by you,
Each hill you have to climb.
So take my hand lets face the word,
Live one day at a time.
You’re not alone for I’m still here,
I’ll go that extra mile,
And when your grief is easier,
I’ll help you learn to smile
I’ll share your worries when they come,
I’ll help you face your fears.
I’m here and I will stand by you,
Each hill you have to climb.
So take my hand lets face the word,
Live one day at a time.
You’re not alone for I’m still here,
I’ll go that extra mile,
And when your grief is easier,
I’ll help you learn to smile
I still have hope for the road ahead.
Keeping the faith and keeping a hopeful positive attitude is one of the hardest yet most rewarding concepts to understand and to apply into our everyday lives. Through the roughest times in our lives it seems as though all we should and can do is give up. Keeping our heads up to the sky, and keeping a forward resolve, even through times of adversity is essential to making it to where we want to be... in life. Remember that the greatest of people are those who overcame some of the greatest challenges that life had to offer.
Maintain hope, for hope is sometimes all you have to hold on to during times where it seems as if all is lost, and that you shouldn't continue forward. Maintain the fight, and keep believing in yourself, in doing so everything else will fall in place, and everything will work out for the greatest good!
Maintain hope, for hope is sometimes all you have to hold on to during times where it seems as if all is lost, and that you shouldn't continue forward. Maintain the fight, and keep believing in yourself, in doing so everything else will fall in place, and everything will work out for the greatest good!
Your presence is a present, so live for today
Stop thinking about the past, and don't worry too much about whats going to happen in the future. Your presence is a present, so live for today, and appreciate everyone and everything you have. Stop thinking about what you don't have, what you wish you had, who walked out of your life, and whatever else that falls in that category. Think about what you have, who you have in your life, and how fort...unate you are. -Junethea Crystal Centeno
The people that make you happy are very special people and should be treated as such. One big mistake that many people make is to mistreat those who are kind to them and would do anything for them by taking advantage of them, and by not putting the same effort into the relationship as their partner. In order to show our gratitude to the people in our lives that make us the happiest we must put in work.
Doing things like surprising your partner with a trip out of town, or taking your relationship partner to a restaurant that you know they will enjoy, are just small gestures that show them that you love them, and that you want to make them as happy as they make you. Also, be sure to express in words how you feel towards them, tell them that they make you happy, and tell them that you love them. Even though the way we feel sometimes can seem as though it is a given, sometimes we all need a little bit of reassurance.
The people that make you happy are very special people and should be treated as such. One big mistake that many people make is to mistreat those who are kind to them and would do anything for them by taking advantage of them, and by not putting the same effort into the relationship as their partner. In order to show our gratitude to the people in our lives that make us the happiest we must put in work.
Doing things like surprising your partner with a trip out of town, or taking your relationship partner to a restaurant that you know they will enjoy, are just small gestures that show them that you love them, and that you want to make them as happy as they make you. Also, be sure to express in words how you feel towards them, tell them that they make you happy, and tell them that you love them. Even though the way we feel sometimes can seem as though it is a given, sometimes we all need a little bit of reassurance.
May all your dreams come true !
One lesson that we must all learn in life is that there are going to be people in our lives and in the world period who just won't understand our dreams, and won't understand the goals that we set for ourselves in life. While some won't understand, some will refuse to understand as well, some will mock you, and some will try to talk you out of going for a dream that is just "too big" for you to ac...complish, in their opinion.
The truth is, if your dreams don't scare you, then they probably aren't big enough dreams that you have set for yourself. We have to have strong faith in what burns inside of our hearts, and we must also hold to the fact that with God's grace, and with a strong undetermined will, nothing can stop us from being where we want, and know we should be in life, no matter how much negativity we receive from people in our lives.
The truth is, if your dreams don't scare you, then they probably aren't big enough dreams that you have set for yourself. We have to have strong faith in what burns inside of our hearts, and we must also hold to the fact that with God's grace, and with a strong undetermined will, nothing can stop us from being where we want, and know we should be in life, no matter how much negativity we receive from people in our lives.
Let your dreams guide you.
More often than not we are pushed and swayed by our problems, and are greatly influenced into following a path that we know would generate the least resistance, instead of keeping our eyes on the prize and going after what we dream of achieving. I am here to tell you today not to be swayed by tough times.
Don't let a rough day at work influence you to quit before you know you don't have any othe...r options. Don't let your boyfriend or girlfriend talk you into cutting out your dreams in life in order to make sure that they will stick by you, because if they really loved you they would stick by you no matter what. Don't let unexpected challenges or circumstances, which arise in everyone's life, deter you from your goals and aspirations.
Let your dreams guide you. When things start to get hard, and when you feel like giving up everything, remember what you are doing it for, remember your dreams, and use them as motivation to keep going
Don't let a rough day at work influence you to quit before you know you don't have any othe...r options. Don't let your boyfriend or girlfriend talk you into cutting out your dreams in life in order to make sure that they will stick by you, because if they really loved you they would stick by you no matter what. Don't let unexpected challenges or circumstances, which arise in everyone's life, deter you from your goals and aspirations.
Let your dreams guide you. When things start to get hard, and when you feel like giving up everything, remember what you are doing it for, remember your dreams, and use them as motivation to keep going
Mel !
You are perfect .
When we are insecure about situations, in actuality we are holding on to some experience(s) that caused us tremendous anguish earlier in our lives to the point of where we don't want to allow a situation or relationship of similar magnitude to take place again. In order to get past our insecurities we must first get rid of the mindset of living in our past.
Just because you weren't good enough f...or something then, doesn't mean that you are not good enough now, just because you weren't able to accomplish something then, doesn't mean that you won't accomplish it now. Let go of your pain, and believe in the fact that the only limits that bind you, are those limits that you place on yourself. We are all perfect people with perfect imperfections. Remember to not only enjoy your life but to take advantage of the opportunities that life presents to you as well. Live every day as if it could be your last!
Just because you weren't good enough f...or something then, doesn't mean that you are not good enough now, just because you weren't able to accomplish something then, doesn't mean that you won't accomplish it now. Let go of your pain, and believe in the fact that the only limits that bind you, are those limits that you place on yourself. We are all perfect people with perfect imperfections. Remember to not only enjoy your life but to take advantage of the opportunities that life presents to you as well. Live every day as if it could be your last!
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