vendredi 30 décembre 2011


Mel !

When we truly love someone, no matter what happens between us, and what separates you from them, the love for someone and certain feelings that you have for them will never change. Years after a rough break up with a love of a lifetime will not make every feeling you have for that past love go away because you were programmed to love that person for your lifetime.

If you are left with feelings f...or someone after many of things have changed it is crucial for you to recognize that you aren't the only one who still has feelings for someone after so much has changed, and after both parties have moved on. This is a normal part of losing a loved one, and you probably wouldn't be human if you didn't sometimes remember someone that you loved very deeply. Learning to manage these feelings will be difficult but don't let them stop you from continuing to live your life.

Never Regret Anything

Living life with regrets is in a sense, not really living life. Picture yourself trying to drive somewhere. Do you think that you would be able to make it safely from point a to point b by staring into the rearview mirror the whole drive? Of course not! We must use this as an example to the way we live our lives.

Sure we have all made mistakes, and sometimes we wish that things could have gone d...ifferently, but it is impossible to keep reliving these moments and expect to move forward in life. In order to move forward in life take the experiences from your past and use them as stepping blocks in order to reach your new goals and dreams. In other words, don't let your past hold you back, learn from your past and use it to help you further your future. Be who you are now, and not who you used to be.
Mel !

jeudi 29 décembre 2011

L'île des sentiments "

Il était une fois une île sur laquelle vivaient tous les sentiments et toutes les valeurs humaines : la Bonne humeur, la Tristesse, la Sagesse... ainsi que tous les autres, y compris l’Amour.
Un jour, on annonça que l’île allait être submergée. Alors tous préparèrent leurs embarcations et s’enfuirent. Seul l’Amour resta, attendant jusqu’au dernier moment. Quand l’île fut sur le point de disparaître, l’Amour décida de demander de l’aide.
La Richesse passa près de l’Amour dans un bateau luxueux et l’Amour lui dit :
"Richesse, peux-tu m’emmener ?"
"Je ne le peux pas car j’ai beaucoup d’or et d’argent dans mon bateau et il n’y a pas de place pour toi."

Alors l’Amour décida de demander à l’Orgueil qui passait dans un magnifique bateau :
"Orgueil, je t’en prie, emmène moi."
"Je ne peux pas t’emmener, Amour, tu pourrais détruire la perfection qui règne dans mon bateau."

Ensuite l’Amour demanda à la tristesse qui passait par là :
"Tristesse, je t’en prie, emmène moi."
"Oh Amour" répondit la Tristesse "je suis si triste que j’ai besoin de rester seule."

Ensuite la Bonne humeur  passa devant l’Amour, mais elle était si heureuse qu’elle n’entendit pas qu’on l’appelait.
Soudain une voix dit :
"Viens, Amour, je t’emmène avec moi."
C’était un vieillard qui l’avait appelé. L’Amour était si heureux et si rempli de joie, qu’il en oublia de lui demander son  nom. Arrivés sur la terre ferme, le vieillard s’en alla.

L’Amour se rendit compte combien il lui était redevable et demanda au Savoir :
"Savoir, peux tu me dire qui est celui qui m’a aidé ?"
"C’est le Temps" répondit le Savoir"

"Le Temps ?", demanda l’Amour, "Pourquoi le Temps m’aurait-t’il aidé ?"
Le Savoir plein de sagesse répondit :
"Parce que seul le Temps est capable de comprendre combien l’Amour est important dans la vie".

Mel !

Aimer à l'indicatif presque-parfait !

Si vous regardez bien la conjugaison du verbe aimer, vous découvrez l'indicatif imparfait et l'indicatif plus-que-parfait.
Mais où se trouve donc l'indicatif presque parfait ?
Le voici à partir d'une contraction de l'expression "aimer en masse"...
  • j'aimasse
  • tu aimasses
  • il aimasse
  • nous aimassons
  • vous aimassez
  • ils aimassent.
Mel !

Have some Faith in Yourself

People without faith in themselves are like a candle without a flame, though it may have a physical presence, it is not really living up to its full potential because it is not providing any light to the world. Having faith in one's own self is a quality that breeds more qualities.

When we're able to believe in ourselves we are then able to dream, make plans, set goals, be motivated and determin...ed to do things because of the faith we have. Those who have faith in themselves also rub off on the people around them, and usually help inspire people who are able to make a real change to the world. We must not be afraid to live as the people who we really are deep down in hearts, for in this world of darkness, every candle that is lit will help provide a great amount of light.

Mel !

Someone like you .

In any and all relationships that we have in which we care for another person and have some kind of commitment to this person, we have to be willing to sacrifice. Yes sometimes we must give things that we may not always want to give away, and included in this is our time. Time is very important because it is something that once gone will never be given back, but is necessary to give away to people... we love in order to best strengthen the bond that we have with them.
Making the time out of our busy days to spend with those that we love is probably the best way to show someone that we care. Life is more about how present you are in somebody else's instead of how much material wealth that you are able or desire to give them. Instead of your relationships being about what you can spend on presents to your loved ones, make it about what you can spend in time with your loved ones, your presence.

Mel !

Always do your Best !!!!

Always do your best,what you sow you reap.
Always do your best,efforts are rewarded proportionately.
Always do your best,you will have continuous growth.
Always do your best,you will be respected and looked up to.
Always do your best,no matter what the situation.
Always do your best,success follows actions.
Always do your best,you will be filled with confidence.
Always do your best, think today is your best day.
Always do your best,the sky is your limit.
Always do your best,everything will turn out for your best.
Mel !

Be your own king of Beautiful ...

Being our own kind of beautiful consists of being who we are from the inside first, and then translating that onto the outside of our bodies secondly. Being your own kind of beautiful requires you to develop your inner you. Do you know what you like? How heavy of an influence is everyone else on your life and style? These are two important questions that you can help you determine if you are tryin...g to live under someone else's definition of beautiful instead of your own.

In order to be our own kind of beautiful we must do things regardless of how they will make us be perceived by our peers and society around us. Being our own kind of beautiful is living life the way that you know you should live it, without any worry of who will still be around when you do. Simply put, being your own kind of beautiful is being yourself daily!
Mel !

mercredi 28 décembre 2011

Life is too short to worry about the mistakes

When you are truly in love with someone you don't really have to look for much, except for the love that they give you. When we care about somebody it is best to instead of criticizing them for their faults, that you help make their weaknesses their strengths, that you help turn their biggest mistakes into their biggest victories and so on.

Accept the faults, and accept them for the person that they are, and the person that you know they will transform into. Accept the fact that at some points they will disappoint you, for we all are human, and we cannot be anymore than that. Life is too short to worry about the mistakes a person will make and their wrongs that they will commit against you, instead be happy with the fact that you met someone who really loves you, and that you love in return

lundi 14 novembre 2011

La reconnnaissance "

"Les ressources de l'Univers sont infinies; commencez par en prendre
conscience. Essayez de compter les étoiles un soir d'été, ou les
grains de sable que peut contenir votre main, les feuilles d'un
arbre, les gouttes d'eau qui frappent un carreau, les graines d'une
Chacune d'elles est capable de produire un plant porteur d'une
multitude de fruits. Soyez reconnaissant pour ce que vous possédez
et vous verrez que vos possessions s'étendront."

vendredi 11 novembre 2011

La Vie en Rose !

La vie est une chance,saisis-la.
La vie est beauté,admire-la.
La vie est béatitude,savoure-la.
La vie est un rêve,fais-en une réalité.
La vie est un défi,fais-lui face.
La vie est un devoir, accomplis-le.
La vie est un jeu, joue-le.
La vie est précieuse, prends-en soin.
La vie est une richesse, conserve-la.
La vie est amour, jouis-en.
La vie est un mystère, perce-le.
La vie est promesse, remplis-la.
La vie est tristesse, surmonte-la.
La vie est un hymne, chante-le.
La vie est un combat,accepte-le.
La vie est une tragédie, prends-la à bras-le-corps.
La vie est une aventure,ose-la.
La vie est bonheur,mérite-le.
La vie est la vie,défends-la. 

jeudi 6 octobre 2011


L’homme est parfois cruel, ressent de la colère
Quand une autre personne est injuste avec lui
Tel un hurlement sourd que l’on se doit de taire
Car il n’est jamais bon d’agir en ennemi.
Il ressent de la haine et n'a pas de regret,
Il s’épuise c’est tout, sans blesser l’âme amie,
Un peu comme un poison qu’on aurait avalé
Avec l’affreux désir de prendre une autre vie.

Nous avons tous deux loups, au plus profond de nous
Qui régissent nos vies, nos désirs, notre éthique.
Ils s’opposent sans cesse, au pire, nous rendent fous,
A chacun de dompter le fauve maléfique.

Le premier est très bon, ne nous fait aucun tort,
Il vit en harmonie avec ce qui le touche.
Il ne s’offense pas et met chacun d’accord,
Car son juste combat, toutes les fois fait mouche.

L’autre loup quant à lui, toujours plein de colère,
Il se bat contre tous, tout le temps sans raison,
Il ne peut pas penser, tant sa haine est entière,
Soldat perpétuel, fossoyeur d’unisson.

Il est parfois ardu de vivre tout cela
Lequel de ces deux loups, en nous l’emportera ?
La réponse est fort simple et en toi elle vit :
De ces loups, gagnera celui que tu nourris.